Shareholder Freight Haul

Winter Landscape

Shareholder Freight Haul

Olgoonik is opening up space on its chartered flights to WAINWRIGHT and BARROW for Olgoonik shareholders to send freight at a reduced cost. Shipment will occur between December 2018 and January/February 2019. Actual shipping dates may vary and are dependent on available space and weather. Full details and shipping restrictions are available here.


  • Shipper must be an Olgoonik Corporation shareholder
  • Space is limited – first come, first served
  • Shipping rate – $1.30 per pound
  • Maximum of 200lbs per shareholder
  • $100 down payment required before shipment (credit/debit card accepted). Down payments will be applied to the shipper’s final total
  • Shareholders who are past due on their accounts and owe money to Olgoonik will be ineligible for this service. To pay off your account, please contact Olgoonik.
  • All shipments must go through an Anchorage-based shipping facility. Shipping is only available to either Wainwright or Barrow, where Olgoonik’s projects are taking place
  • Shippers will be responsible for purchasing all items, ensuring items are properly packaged/labeled, and responsible for ensuring packages arrive at the shipping facility by the deadline
  • Shippers must sign an agreement and adhere to stated terms, including restrictions on shipping

Because shipping and space is dependent on availability on our chartered flights, actual shipping times will vary. It is possible that multiple items for the same shareholder may be sent on multiple flights as space permits. It is not recommended that time-sensitive items, such as medicines and emergency supplies, be shipped. The attachment lists prohibited items and recommended items for shipping.

Specifics, including the Bill of Lading, address for the shipping facility, shipping label template, and move numbers will be provided to shareholders when they sign up. To sign up, please contact Whitney Kellie at 907-562-8728 between the hours of 8 AM –  4 PM, Monday – Friday.  

The deadline for items to be at the shipping facility will be by the close of the business day on Friday, November 30th.