49th Annual Meeting of Shareholders

49th Annual Meeting of Shareholders

WAINWRIGHT, AK — OC will convene its 49th Annual Meeting of Shareholders on Saturday, June 11, 2022, at 1PM in the Alak School Gymnasium in Wainwright. We are excited to be hosting an in-person meeting this year and look forward to seeing our shareholders who are able to join us for the event. Registration opens at 11AM and the Business Forum will run from 11AM-12PM. Lunch will be served at 12PM. New this year, we have made a secure listen-in option available to all of our shareholders who live outside Wainwright. Invitations were sent to shareholder households this week with the call-in information. We appreciate your patience as we try out a new technology to make our meetings more accessible to our shareholders everywhere.

If you would like to submit a question for the Chairman to review for the Shareholder Comment portion of the meeting, please send those to questions@olgoonik.com or call and leave a message on our message line at 1-855-763-2613. Questions received by 5PM on June 9 will be compiled and shared with the Chairman. Questions received after 5PM on June 9 will still receive an answer, but we will not be able to include it with the Shareholder Comment portion of the Annual Meeting.